Shoulder Replacement

Shoulder Replacement Surgery for Patients in Hampton, Newport News, Williamsburg, VA & the Surrounding Areas

If shoulder replacement is recommended to address a painful and debilitating condition, such as a rotator cuff tear, fracture, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or adhesive capsulitis, it is important to seek the expertise of a subspecialist who has mastered the intricacies of the procedure. Patients from the Hampton, Newport News, and Williamsburg, Virginia areas and beyond are welcome to consult with the highly specialized orthopaedic experts at Tidewater Orthopaedics. With both fellowship and combat training, our surgeons have extensive experience with difficult and complex cases that extend far beyond the realm of a typical orthopaedic practice. We also approach each case with an appreciation that every patient is unique.

Total shoulder replacement may be recommended if the articular cartilage in the shoulder joint breaks down due to injury or ongoing wear and tear. The function of healthy cartilage is to facilitate joint movement by allowing the bones in a joint to glide smoothly over one another. If this cartilage is damaged, friction can occur within the joint, which can lead to pain and reduced range of motion in the arm and shoulder.

The highly skilled orthopaedists at Tidewater Orthopaedics in the Hampton Roads region can often treat damaged shoulder cartilage conservatively without the need for surgical intervention. However, in severe cases, we may recommend a shoulder replacement procedure, such as a:

  • Conventional shoulder replacement – A surgeon replaces the bony surfaces of the shoulder joint with a metal humeral head, which is attached to a stem inserted in the upper arm, and a specially reinforced polyethylene plastic glenoid socket.
  • Reverse total shoulder replacement – This innovative approach allows the deltoid muscle – instead of the rotator cuff – to power and position the arm, and therefore can be especially effective for a patients with severe arthritis coupled with a rotator cuff tear, or a completely torn rotator cuff.

Whether a conventional or reverse technique is performed, many shoulder replacement patients experience significant pain relief and are often able to resume many activities that were previously precluded by shoulder pain.

At Tidewater Orthopaedics, we believe in educating our patients so that they have all the information they need to make informed decisions about shoulder replacement and other treatment options.  Our comprehensive website includes video descriptions of the procedures we perform, including easy-to-understand explanations augmented by animations.

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