Fall Foods for Strong Bones and Muscles

Health Articles

Oct 24, 2023

The autumn season brings cooler weather and a bounty of nutritious produce. As an orthopaedic practice, we recommend stocking up on fall foods that boost bone, joint, and muscle health.


Pumpkin: This popular fall crop is packed with vitamin K, which supports bone density and strength. The bright orange flesh also provides magnesium, which aids muscle health and nerve functioning. Add pumpkin to soups, muffins, pancakes, and more.


Sweet Potatoes: Like pumpkin, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of bone-supporting vitamin A. They also contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which help build and maintain strong bones. Roast them whole, or add sweet potato fries, soup, or pie to your fall meals.


Brussels Sprouts: These mini cabbage cousins provide your daily dose of vitamin K, a critical nutrient for proper bone mineralization and density. Brussels sprouts also deliver calcium for bone strength. Saute with olive oil or roast until crispy.


Salmon: Cold water fatty fish like salmon is one of the best anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids sources. Salmon is also high in vitamin D, enhancing calcium absorption in your bones. Aim for at least two servings per week.


Nuts and Seeds: Stock up on nuts and seeds this autumn, loaded with bone-protecting minerals like magnesium, zinc, selenium, and phosphorus. They make great grab-and-go snacks combined with dried fruit.


Take advantage of fall's bounty by incorporating more orthopedic-approved foods into your diet. Protect your bones, joints, muscles, and overall mobility with proper nutrition. 

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