The professional fees are carefully examined and are customary for orthopaedic surgeons in the area. Every attempt is made to keep your overall medical expenses to a minimum. The cost of operating a large orthopaedic practice is significant, and this is reflected as part of the fees. Billing costs are a portion of this overhead, and in an effort to keep this cost to a minimum, it is expected that fees for office visits and X-rays will be paid at the time your service is rendered. This gives you a clear understanding of your bill and an opportunity to discuss any problems.
We do not want any patient to suffer undue financial hardship because of their misfortune.
If you are having difficulty with your account, please do not hesitate to request a meeting with the accounting department where a confidential discussion may help resolve your problem. For your convenience, payments for your office visits may be made by cash, check, or credit card.
For Tidewater Orthopaedics office visits, payment is expected on the day of your office visit. You will be provided information and a form to use in claiming the reimbursement from your insurance company, but claims will not be filed for you unless we have a prior agreement with your insurance carrier.
For your surgical procedures and other services performed outside of the office, we may agree to file with your insurance company for payment to be made directly. This will allow you to avoid paying a large fee and having to wait to be reimbursed. You will be asked to talk with the accounting department prior to your surgical procedure to make certain that we have appropriate insurance information for your account. We will do whatever possible to assist you with your insurance claim.
In instances where there is an accident-related injury that may require legal action, Tidewater Orthopaedics Associates hold the person who received services responsible for the bill payment, regardless of any pending legal action. Please note, deductibles and co-payments are due at the time of your appointment.
For work-related injuries, we will need written authorization from your insurance carrier.
-If you have any questions regarding insurance coverage, payment, billing or work-related conditions, please contact a Tidewater Orthopaedics representative at (757)827-2327.