Tidewater Blog

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Apr 01, 2021

A distal biceps tendon rupture, often treated by a sports medicine physician, also referred to as a distal biceps tendon tear, is a complete separation of the tendon from its bony insertion in the forearm. The bicep muscle is anchored to the bone at...

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Mar 30, 2021

Carpal tunnel syndrome often causes numbness, tingling, weakness and discomfort of the hand. These unpleasant sensations occur when the median nerve, a nerve which passes through the carpal tunnel of the wrist, becomes compressed. Untreated, carpal t...

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Mar 22, 2021

In the not-so-distant past, outpatient total joint replacement was far from prominent. Instead, virtually all patients could expect an inpatient surgical procedure, a night or more in a hospital bed, possible transportation via ambulance, possible in...

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Feb 16, 2021

Most injuries to the meniscus are a result of trauma. The menisci are vulnerable to injuries in which there is both compression and twisting across the knee. Meniscus tears are common in contact sports like football, but can occur from taking a...

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Feb 09, 2021

Are you suffering with bunions? A bunion is a bony growth that develops at the base of the big toes joint. When this happens, the bump pushes the bones of the big toe toward the other toes. Bunions deform the feet and usually cause discomfort. Gene...

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Dec 01, 2020

Taking a positive approach to arthritis can make all the difference in creating and sustaining life-altering habits. Since arthritis is a group of conditions involving damage to the joints of the body, it’s important for those suffering to acce...

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Nov 03, 2020

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is among the most common causes of heel pain. When you are looking down at your foot the portion that you see is called the dorsal side and what runs underneath is the plantar side.  You have a very...

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Oct 20, 2020

“The Mako robot is a twenty-first century tool for twenty-first century joint replacements” -Dr. Michal Higgins, Hip & Knee Replacement Specialist Mako SmartRobotics™ uses 3D CT-based planning software so your surgeon can know...

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Oct 06, 2020

Can Traction Treatment Help You? Traction is a technique that is done by certain certified chiropractors or physical therapists. Typically, you must have a very specific type of table that allows the patient to lay down and stretch the spine. There...

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Sep 22, 2020

As someone who has suffered from this condition, it can be rather debilitating. What is it? De Quervain’s tenosynovitis is a condition when two extensor tendons along the radial aspect of the wrist become inflamed. These two tendons, the abdu...

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